This document is the Board-of-Directors proposed Action Plan 2013, proposed to the Annual Assembly 2013 of Wikimedia Norge, and approved on April 7, 2013. This is a non-authorized translation.

Action Plan 2013

The Action Plan is based upon the Wikimedia Norway Strategy 2011-2015. This again is based upon the Wikimedia Foundation Strategy.

The vision of Wikimedia Norway is to be the leading organisation in Norway for people who believe that shared and open knowledge brings society forwards. We shall be a visible proponent of open and independent sharing of knowledge. We shall contribute to opening up norwegian information and publiuc data to a global communicty, in free lisences.

The Board-of-Directors proposes that the main priority area in 2013 is still the GLAM sector, i.e. communication and strengthening of the Wikipedia towards museums, archives, art institutions, and libraries.

Under this priority, it is proposed that Wikimedia Norway focuses on extending the co-operation with particular institutions, such as the Arts Council Norway, the National Library, the National Antiquarian, and the National Archives.

Wikimedia Norge will conduct particular GLAM projects, most notably introductory and advanced editing courses for sector employees, separate tracks during Wikipedia Academy 2013, contributions to Heritage Here, co-operation with Wikipedians-in-Residence, Wiki Loves Monuments 2013, and other projects.

Wikimedia Norge will strive for a markededly more professionalized organisation, and apply for funds from Wikimedia FOundation to establish the first decretariat of the chapter. Funds will also be sought from the Saami Thing (Sametinget) and national government.

Wikimedia Norge will ive priority to member activity, events for volunteer contributors, and a good dialogue with the project environments - and especially with the Wikipedia environment - in Norway.

The focus on recruiting more women must be strengthened in 2013.

The focus on releasing more photographic images to Wikipedia shall be strengthened.

The focus on Northern Saami Wikipedia will be continued.

The focus on quality at the Wikipedia shall be strengthened.

Wikimedia Norway will remain open-minded towards the initiative Wikimedia Chapters Association (WCA), whivh the chapter supported in 2012. It is nonetheless to be noted that the board of Wikimedia FOundation has decided to sceptically observe the initiative, and the Annual Assembly and the new Board-of-Sirectors [of WMNO] is invited to enter the relationship with the WCA with sceptic openness, and observe closely the development of the new association and the [support from] the other Nordic chapters.

Wikimedia Norway will continue the special Nordic co-operation, and seek this realized through such projects like Northern Saami Wikipedia, Wiki Loves Monuments 2013, etc.

Wikimedia Norway will emphasize recruiting members, to enhance the legitimacy of the chapter within the Wikipedia envirionment of Norway.